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That Red Hat Tho...

What did you do last Wednesday and why weren’t you at ConArtistNYC for the Red Hat Show? I get it, overtly political art can be somewhat of a repellent to people especially in this current shit show of a social climate. So having a bright red hat screaming a statement can be scary when most art subtly offers a political statement within the context of a painting, sculpture, or photograph. Or do I have it all wrong and the outrage has dissipated because we are all resigned to see how this plays out. News flash people, if you want to fight the fight go in for the long haul war, not the flash in the pan battle. Regardless of how you feel about Trump this show had artist boldly saying what they wanted, and even in loud imagery we have to take a deeper look about what was being said. Afterall art is a reflection of what is being felt and played out in the world around us.

Bravo ConArtistNYC for having this show, although to be honest, I was expecting to have more hand painted hats being displayed similar to the dollar bill show. By the time I walked out with 2 hats of my own I really could’ve cared less about that because I was highly intrigued with the white lettering people came up with. Not to mention they always have a bucket full of tasty beer to sip on and good peeps to vibe with. Here is what caught my eye…

“I Snort Coke All Night Long And Tweet” when I first saw this hat I didn’t even attribute this to Trump. It just made me nostalgic for NYC, and the fact that most working professionals are in bathrooms all nights of the week railing a line leading to some great nights, and posts about those shenanigans. Fast forward to me buying the hat and speaking to someone there, I was like “oh yeah Trump does have a tweeting addiction! That’s what all the talk show hosts make jokes about” Wait he’s a New Yorker too, does he also have a china white addiction too? Look I am not making accusations, but it’s highly suspect. By the way this hat won the Instagram contest so it seems like I am not alone in this suspicion. So yeah funny AF.

“Dumpster Baby” SHUT THE FUCK UP! Now if you have been alive in the last decade your mind will either go to the lovely musical cut-away on Family Guy or an episode of Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Two non-PC shows that have pushed us to look at issues in society with a dark sense of humor, but the mirror isn’t always pretty folks. Push pass the instant shock phrase and realize that there is a war on a woman's right to her own body. Now get into this instant conversation starter about the multiple perspectives and ramifications of this serious topic. Right there, that is why this hat is brilliant. We don’t have to agree all the time, but we do need to have conversations. Hand claps all around to Adrian Bermeo, a dope abstract artist, and creator of this hat.

“Make Kanye Great Again” do I really need to say anything more? WTF Kanye? Look... that NFL murderer Hernandez just took his life, and apparently murdered for allegedly being ashamed of his sexuality, let’s not have the same thing happen to you. Too soon? Distasteful? Probably not the point of the artist? What the fuck ever I waited all night to talk to this artist and convince him to sell me his hat that he bought himself. What’s up with that fool?

Red Hat, Blue Hat, Your Hat, My Hat, Ask Yourself What the Do They Mean by That. Print that in white lettering compliments of CMB.

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